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Enom DNS Outage - Situation Updates

Updated: Jan 10

As at 18/01/2022 - I'm happy to report that normality is 100% back!

A small minority of our customers are continuing to experience issues in relation to their website and email as a result of the ENOM/Tucows DNS (Domain Name System) outage.

It may also be affecting customers that use Google Mail as their email provider as Google also use this provider.

Whilst the status of the problem has been marked as "resolved" and "operational", earlier today, on their Support Site: - it may take a few hours before we see an end to this issue and it is fully resolved.

We will continue to monitor the situation and update this article and those customers who have been directly affected by it - fortunately for us, but unfortunately for them, only 2 customers are experiencing problems as a result of this issue.

Further information:

Updates From ENOM:

18/01/2022 10:18 Hours

With all websites resolving, Enom’s engineering team is now addressing a handful of isolated issues, impacting a small subset of resellers. These, include: * Select resellers are not able to refill their accounts using PayPal * Enom experiencing isolated credit card processing issues Our engineering team continues to implement a system-wide solution to resolve all issues. At this time, the ability to update DNS records via the Enom Control Panel and API will remain disabled. Any DNS update requests have been backlogged and will be provisioned as soon as we’ve implemented our system-wide solution. For new domain registrations that use our DNS, there will be a delay in DNS provisioning until the “system-wide” solution is in place. 17/01/2022 17:50 Hours

Update - Our engineering team continues to work to restore our systems. In the past hour we have:

* Begun work to implement our system-wide solution for impacted customers

* In parallel, developed a short term fix to the DNS resolution issues that certain end customers have been experiencing

We will continue to update as these issues are resolved. The next update will be provided no later than 1:00 PM EST (18:00 UTC).

Jan 17, 09:00 PST

17/01/2022 16:07 Hours

Update - Our engineering team continues to work to restore our systems. At present, we are seeing issues with our DNS and Reseller Control Panel. As of 10:50 AM EST (15:50 UTC) we can report the following:

Impacted end customers (registrants) are experiencing service interruptions:

* Some websites are not resolving due to missing or incorrect DNS records.

* Some customers may experience email service interruptions due to missing DNS MX records

Please note: We’ve disabled DNS updates via the Enom Control Panel and API for all domains to ensure we don’t interfere with our ongoing efforts to restore DNS records for domains impacted by the DNS issue. New domain registrations and renewals are working as intended.

Resellers are experiencing the following services issues:

* Resellers will be unable to search for or view the list of domains in their account using the Enom Control Panel.

We will provide regular updates as we continue to resolve these issues. The next update will be provided by 12:00 PM EST (17:00 UTC).

Jan 17, 07:50 PST

17/01/22 13:05 Hours

Investigating - We are investigating reports of DNS resolution and management issues, as well as domain registration difficulties, post maintenance. Our engineering team continues to work on these customer-facing issues and certify their correct operation. We will provide updates as they become available. We thank you again for your continued patience. Jan 17, 05:01 PST

World Wide Network - DNS Outage

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